Wednesday, February 22, 2012

That means not asking when penicillin ...

Forty or fifty years ago by scientists believed that medicine was almost eradicated infectious agents as the main threat to health. Instead, over the past two decades have witnessed a disturbing revival of infectious diseases and the emergence of new ones. Today, AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, gastrointestinal diseases and other infectious agents represent a much greater threat to human existence than any other creature. This surge of infectious diseases is a problem, we unwittingly created for themselves. The growth of fast, frequent, and relatively cheap travel enables diseases to jump from continent to continent. Inadequate sanitation and lack of clean drinking water is another factor. The third, "antibiotic paradox" - abuse "miracle drug" in that they lose their activity. Whenever antibiotics fight the war on germs can survive some enemy of the drug. Because microbes are always mutating, random >> << ultimately protect against drugs. Antibiotics are used only when necessary and as directed by normally suppress errors. Too much use of antibiotics selects a mutant

. When patients interrupted the full course of drug-resistant strains are able to multiply and spread. In some countries, such as the United States, patients expect and strattera 10mg need from doctors, antibiotics, even in situations where they are not appropriate or ineffective. Our immune system to treat many minor bacterial infections themselves, if had the chance, and antibiotics do not work for viral infections in general. Whenever antibiotics are used unnecessarily, they add to the selective pressure we put on microbes to develop resistance. Then, when we really need antibiotics, they are less effective. While pharmaceutical companies race to develop new antibiotics that kill bacteria are resistant, the researchers urge doctors and patients to limit the use of antibiotics. That means do not ask penicillin when you only have cold, as cold caused by viruses that do not affect all antibiotics. This means taking all the pills are prescribed, even if you feel better. Physicians should resist the appointment of the most powerful and effective drugs are widely, if the disease is absolutely not required. If society accepts these measures strictly, medications can restore at least some of their lost "miracle" countries. .

3 different shapes of bacteria

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